RU CHI was founded to assist rural communities, the youth and  women for development. RUCHI focus with vision on making difference in Africa and Ghana in particular. RUCHI seek to nourish the deep and fundamental desire to belong to a community and to help individual forge connection between their identity and community, therefore our principles and goals have been pursued via a myriad programs and projects that are in present generation in an effort to bring development to rural communities



  Following careful research and to address specific socioeconomic and cultural needs, our programs are designed within a framework of contemporal society and the changes that can take place.

     We operate in a frame work of continuing and continually emphasize quality value and building sustainability.

    Some of our projects are intended to improve the quality of life in Africa by developing skills among the youth, women, disadvantaged and neglected children

As with all  our efforts in Ghana , our hope is that we effectively serve those most in need,

     RUCHI operates to improve the quality in Rural Communities and to willingness of individuals in search of community identity and development.


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